Doctors of traditional medicine believe that any meat should be steamed for several hours to kill and destroy its parasitic bacteria. But steamed ostrich meat is divine!
It means that you don’t need to use the hygiene protocols that you use for cooking other meats when cooking ostrich meat.
The clean energy that this meat has is due to the high percentage of vitamin E that God has placed in its tissues. Wherever this vitamin can be found in high volume, there is no mention of bacteria found in cholesterol and fat.
It is rich in magnesium and zinc.
Who is ostrich meat suitable for?
Doctors recommend eating ostrich meat to the elderly, obese, athletes, cardiovascular patients, and pregnant women.
One of the basic needs of athletes is the consumption of protein, and that too in large quantities. Ostrich meat is an excellent source of protein. On the other hand, group B vitamins, niacin, zinc and magnesium in ostrich meat meet the needs of professional athletes who do heavy sports.People who are looking to lose weight can safely eat the meat of this bird. To make food from ostrich meat, grill it or grill it..
The amount of sodium in the meat of this bird is significantly lower than beef or even chicken. The sodium content of chicken meat is twice that of ostrich meat. For this reason, it is a very suitable food for people with high blood pressure.
The amount of iron in the meat of this bird is much higher than that of chicken, beef and veal. Therefore, women can eat ostrich meat to prevent anemia. We also recommend that women eat the meat of this bird to compensate for anemia after going through the menstrual period.
vitamin b12
Ostrich meat is rich in vitamin B12
You can get all your vitamin B12 needs from ostrich meat alone. This is a vitamin that is often overlooked by some people, but it has tremendous benefits that you need.
Vitamin B12 reduces the risk of developing neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s and also prevents other signs of aging, such as loss of memory and muscle function.
The good news doesn’t stop there, as you reduce your chances of many different diseases by getting vitamin B12, including a variety of cancers such as lung and colon cancer.
Other benefits include: preventing infections, treating anemia, increasing thyroid function and fertility.
Tips about ostrich meat
Cause of low fat
Unlike chicken and turkey, there is no breast meat in ostrich. Ostrich meat is mainly taken from the legs and thighs of birds, because in these birds, body fat settles outside the muscles and is not inside the meat itself.
The popularity of ostrich meat
It may be because of its sweeter and stronger taste
Ostrich meat is sugar-free
While ostrich meat is sugar-free, red meat is not recommended for people with high blood sugar.
Eating too much red meat is not good for the heart, especially for diabetics, however, doctors say that ostrich is quite beneficial, even if you have diabetes. Ostrich meat has a zero glycemic index and is not expected to raise your glucose levels.
For people who can’t stay away from hamburgers and steaks, the good news is that ostrich tastes pretty much the same!
What is the nature of ostrich meat?
Ostrich meat is a good choice for the digestive system and has a hot and dry taste. According to traditional medicine, it can be suitable for those who have a cold temperament
The benefits and harms of ostrich meat
What are the benefits of ostrich meat?
The amount of fat, cholesterol and calories in ostrich meat is low, and at the same time, it is rich in vitamins A and B. Keep in mind that unlike beef, ostrich meat does not transmit any parasitic diseases to humans.
Properties and harms of ostrich meat in blood clotting
Since all types of meat have harmful fatty acids, elderly people and heart patients cannot consume a large amount of them. While ostrich meat, instead of omega-6 fatty acid, contains a lot of omega-3 fatty acid. The meat of this bird has the second highest level of omega-3 after fish.
Therefore, elderly people and cardiovascular patients can eat the meat of this bird with ease. Because there is no sodium or harmful fat in it.Low levels of omega-6 and high levels of omega-3 significantly reduce the risk of blood clots.
Ostrich meat removes cold from the body
One of the advantages and disadvantages of ostrich meat is its temperament. Unlike chicken or beef, the temperament of ostrich meat is warm.
Therefore, it is an effective medicine for the treatment and prevention of diseases caused by cold. Diseases of gout, MS, joint pain and weakness and lethargy are all caused by the consumption of cold foods.
Uterine cold is also one of the common diseases among women, which leads to dangerous complications. By consuming ostrich meat, you can prevent all these diseases to some extent.
The effect of properties and disadvantages of ostrich meat on stress
One of the edible ways to reduce stress and anxiety is to eat ostrich meat. The reason for this is related to the resistance of ostrich against harmful bacteria such as E. coli and Salmonella.Of course, in order to maintain this quality in the meat consumed, the bird should not be stressed during transportation until slaughter.
For whom is ostrich meat harmful?
Despite all the benefits of the meat of this bird, its improper consumption can cause various problems. Since ostrich meat is hot and dry, its consumption is not recommended for people with a hot temper. This is more important in hot seasons.Another thing that we should remember about the properties and disadvantages of ostrich meat is that it is heavy and slow to digest. If you have a weak digestive system, consume ostrich meat with more caution. To reduce the side effects caused by the heaviness of this meat, use a suitable strainer next to it. As we mentioned, in traditional medicine, vinegar has been mentioned as a remedy for the meat of this bird.Although ostrich meat has unique properties, it should not be considered as a daily diet.Rather, it is better to use it in one or two meals during the week.
Protein is abundant in ostrich meat.
Ostrich meat has a small amount of fat.
Contains few calories.
Ostrich meat is rich in iron.
It has low cholesterol.
Ostrich meat contains a lot of vitamin B.
It is rich in zinc.
The level of selenium in ostrich meat is high.
Healthy fats can be found in ostrich meat.
According to traditional medicine, ostrich meat is slow to digest.
The nature of this meat is hot and dry.